All TMHA Representative teams fall under the North West District (NWD) rules and regulations
regardless of if they play in the NWD League or do not have a League to play in.

Under BC Hockey (BCH) and Hockey Canada (HC), each Minor Hockey Association (MHA) can
implement their own program for Rep Team selection. Throughout the years, TMHA has used
several different processes for selecting Rep Teams, with each one trying to place the highest
importance on the selection of teams being fair and impartial. Beginning in the 2021-22 season,
TMHA is implementing a Rep Policy as outlined below.

It is TMHA’s intention, by way of this policy, to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding with
regards to the Rep Team selection process, while maintaining our goal of keeping the process fair
and impartial.

The major difference between House and Rep Teams, is that House players are assigned to a
team and a coach, while Rep players are selected for the team through a tryout process. These
selections are based on their skill level, coachability, attitude and work ethic.

Through this selection process, not everyone that participates will always be selected for the team
they try out for. Undoubtedly, the Selection Committee will have some very difficult decisions to
make in their selection of players. TMHA feels that parents and players are far better off knowing
the possibilities, and procedures heading into this process.

In the event of illness, injury or other unique circumstances, consideration may be given to a player
who was unable to attend all of the tryout sessions. This request must be approved by the 2nd Vice
President prior to the player attending any further tryouts or practice sessions.

This policy is intended to ensure that each Rep player plays at a level compatible with his or her
skill, ability, attitude, desire and experience level for his or her age group.

Players need to be used effectively in games and practices, so that they may receive sufficient
playing opportunity. There is very little benefit from carding marginal players who will see limited
ice time.


The philosophy of the TMHA Representative (Rep) League is to establish and maintain
Representative teams’ opportunities of higher level and sustained competition for those players
demonstrating above average levels of skill, ability and attitude.

To support the philosophy of the TMHA Rep League, TMHA will strive to meet the following
standards annually:

▪ Provide a fair process of evaluations that results in the highest skilled players being
assigned to the respective Rep team.
▪ Provide a system that promotes the best in skill development in an environment that is safe,
fun and positive.
▪ In conjunction with specific skill development, coaches will assist each player with personal
development by creating an awareness of and instilling a respect for the following core

- Commitment and dedication – always put forth your best effort and continue to improve.
- Understand that attendance and effort are vital to the growth and development of
yourself and your team.
- Sportsmanship – always show respect for everyone involved in the sport– your team,
your coaches, the officials, the opponents and the spectators. Complete each game
and training session with dignity and class.
- All participants are required to set a high standard of conduct and good sportsmanship.
o All participants must agree to follow the specific codes of conduct and abide by
the rules and conditions set out in this policy.
o Always show respect and have a high standard or conduct outside of the game,
within your school, your community and those communities you may visit.
- Teamwork – realize that you are one member of a full team whose success relies on
each member of that team contributing to their fullest potential.
- All participants are expected to put in the extra time required for training, practicing and
playing games, as outlined by the coach. There are additional expenses for travel,
tournaments, extra practice and training time/resources, team clothing and other
miscellaneous expenses, such as dress clothing to meet the dress code, and
equipment replacements when items are broken or worn out. Consideration must be
given to the extra
expenses when making the commitment to play on a Rep team.


Jurisdiction, League Boundaries and Division Supervision.
All Rep teams fall under the jurisdiction of TMHA and will follow Policy as set out by the TMHA

Rep teams will play League games in the North West District Minor Hockey Association
(NWDMHA) and as such are committed to the rules of that Association. The boundaries of the
NWDMHA are defined by BC Hockey, as determined by the BC Hockey Executive Committee.

The Representative Supervisor (TMHA 2nd Vice President) will coordinate with the coaches and
managers regarding the affairs of the Rep teams.



Tier 3 teams will play scheduled games in the NWDMHA League.

Player Registration and Fees for Representative (Rep) League:
Any player wishing to try out for Rep hockey must do so according to year of birth.
Registration and tryout fees will be required to be paid in full prior to fall Rep tryouts. Rep tryout
fees must be paid no later than 24 hours in advance of advertised evaluation of tryout dates.
Representative tryout fees are $50. These fees are payable regardless of when the player is added
to a roster. Representative tryout fees are collected to cover the costs of ice and referees.
Monthly assessment fees to cover the team’s operating costs are determined by individual team
season budgets. Dues are payable to the team at the discretion of the coach and/or team

Refund Policy – Representative Fees

Representative tryout fees will be refunded if the Registrar is notified of the player's intention/ability
to not participate in the tryout sessions at least 24 hours in advance of the first scheduled ice
session for that player.

Player Eligibility Requirements for TMHA Representative (Rep) League
All players trying out for TMHA Representative (Rep) League must meet the established residential
registration requirements for the Association prior to participating in any of the tryout sessions.

Each Representative team shall fill a minimum of three (3) of the following carded positions with
the team:
i. Head Coach - mandatory
ii. Maximum 1 Team Manager - mandatory
iii. 1 Hockey Canada Safety Person (HCSP) – mandatory

The Head Coach is selected by the TMHA Coach Selection Committee. Coach Development 1,
Coach Respect in Sport, CATT online and a valid criminal records check need to be completed
prior to being accepted. The Head Coach will nominate the remainder of team staff to be approved
by the Coach Selection Committee. The Coach Selection Committee has the authority to deny any
nomination of staff with sound and justifiable reasoning.

Reasons for coach selection or denial may be provided if requested, however the Coach Selection
Committee’s decisions are final.

All Criminal Record Checks must be received prior to the teams first game.

Head Coach Selection and Coach Development
The selection of the Head Coach must be a formalized process that is transparent and unbiased
and takes into consideration all available information to ensure that the best candidate is selected.
Coaches are selected based on their ability and willingness to handle the multitude of
responsibilities that come with coaching young athletes and should have the following attributes:

▪ Availability for the time commitments
▪ A strong interest and commitment to child athlete development
▪ A strong hockey background in playing, coaching and/or evaluating – this shall include
reference to any previous coaching evaluations/observations in TMHA
▪ The ability to communicate on-ice and off-ice requirements to players and parent/guardians
▪ The ability to work with fellow coaching personnel and TMHA representatives
▪ Necessary certifications as determined by Hockey Canada and BC Hockey – completed by
predetermined deadline dates.

Individuals accepting coaching positions will do so knowing that they become the most significant
individual to the team. Through leadership, the coach establishes a model that players will use to
develop a significant portion of their attitude towards the game, and, to some degree, their attitude
towards different aspects of personal life. This is especially important for minor hockey players in
their formative years. As such, coaches are encouraged to examine their coaching philosophy.
Their philosophy should include:

▪ Attitude toward winning and losing,
▪ Attitude toward player development vs team victory,
▪ The responsibilities beyond fielding a winning team,
▪ Balancing team obligations with other facets of life,
▪ Discipline and player supervision,
▪ Leadership qualities

These are significant elements when charged with the responsibility of developing players.

Coach Selection Committee
The 2nd Vice President will form a Representative Coach Selection Committee. This committee
must include the President, or designate(s), to ensure fairness in the screening, interview and final
selection of candidates.

This committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) to a maximum of five (5) people and
include those individuals directly involved with the coaches as well as neutral or impartial
individuals so as to avoid matters of conflict of interest. Every effort shall be made to make sure all
committee members are available, to participate in all coach interviews to ensure consistency in
selection standards.

Coach Selection Process
Applicants that apply for a Division will submit an updated coach resume.

TMHA Coach Selection Committee may appoint coaches to selected teams based on interview
application information when all interviews are completed for a division. As part of screening for
interviews past post season reports will be weighed in conjunction with application and may
disqualify applicant from proceeding in interview process.

The Representative team head coach selection process is comprised of two stages.

Stage 1: Application – TMHA will post an expression of interest for the position of Representative
team head coach the first week of July. The expression of interest will have a deadline and will be
posted on the TMHA website and Facebook page. All interested parties or individuals will submit
an updated coaching resume including all coach certifications.

Stage 2: Interview – Interviews will be held. Selected applicants will be provided an interview with
the Coach Selection Committee.

The Coach Selection Committee will be responsible for screening the applicants. If there are no
applicants clearly identified for a Division or Tier TMHA will repost the vacant positions.

The 2nd Vice President will be responsible for setting up interview dates and times with the
accepted applicants. The Representative Supervisor will determine the questions to be asked
during the interview. Interviews will be conducted by the independent Committee. Each interview
will be as follows:
▪ Each candidate will be asked the same questions in the same order during the interviews.
▪ Priority may be given to coaching experience, coaching philosophy, approach to teaching
and instruction, planned communication with players and parents, previous coach evaluation
information and any other information considered necessary.
▪ Reference checks will be completed on the suitable candidates.
▪ The independent committee will rank the selected candidates in order of preference, all
applicants will remain confidential.
▪ Coaches that are assigned to a team are to complete their pre-season planning with the 2nd
Vice President’s assistance, as required. They are not to prematurely involve other team
staff in the pre-season planning process as this may be perceived as bias in the player
evaluation process.
▪ The 2nd Vice President will contact unassigned candidates with their status, approved or

In the event that there is only one applicant for a team the interview process may be waived if the
candidate is deemed to be a suitable by the Coach Selection Committee. If the applicant is
deemed not suitable for the position, the recruitment process will continue until such time as a
suitable candidate can be appointed.

Final Head Coach Selection
Final selection of head coaches will be completed by the Coach Selection Committee. Their
decisions will be final with no appeal process. If the selected coach is unable to complete their
coaching duties, an alternate applicant (if available) will be offered the position.

All team staff must be “Coach/Volunteer Respect-in-Sports” certified and complete the CATT
online certification.

In accordance with BC Hockey Regulation 2.25, all BCH/HC carded Assistant Coaches must be
Development Level 1 (Dev 1) by December 1st of the current season. Only carded staff with Dev 1
and/or approved “Associate Members” are permitted on the ice with carded teams. Proof of
registration into the necessary courses will serve as certification until such time as the course that
was registered for is completed.

Team officials carded as a Safety person must be HCSP certified. They must be listed on the
game sheet to go on the bench or to attend to a player on the ice. If an HCSP person is not listed
on the game sheet they must not be on the bench.

All team Managers fall under the authority of the 2nd Vice President. Only carded team staff are
permitted on the bench with carded Rep teams during games and practices. Non-carded personnel
are not permitted on the bench during games.

Teams will not be permitted to travel and may not be carded until appropriate team personnel
certifications are in place.
On-ice assistants, paid or not, who are not otherwise members of TMHA must apply to BC Hockey
for “Associate Membership” and must be certified as with Respect In Sport for Activity Leaders if
16 years of age or older.

Further information about “Associate Membership” is available at
Coaches are reminded that involvement in the minor hockey system includes the development of
referees. Failure to control the bench and/or abuse of officials is not conducive to developing and
retaining quality referees.

Conduct by any member of a team which is detrimental to the development of officials may be
subject to discipline.

Pre-season tasks:
Approved Head Coaches must complete pre-season tasks by the designated deadlines to continue
to be considered.
Task 1 – Prepare team development plan prior to commencement of tryouts.
Task 2 – Coaches that are assigned to a team must submit to the 2
nd Vice President a season
budget. (due prior to their first game) This will include tournaments, travel, meals,
accommodations, clothing and/or apparel.

Once appointed to the position, the Head Coach will determine who s/he will nominate as
supporting staff. Every Representative team must have one Manager and an HCSP on the team.
The Head Coach may assign up to two additional staff members in the role of Assistant Coach.
Once selected, the Head Coach will provide the names of their nominated staff to the 2
nd Vice
President for final approval by the Coach Selection Committee.

Supporting staff shall not assume their roles until they are approved by the Representative
Supervisor. As such, the Manager shall not be a relative (spouse, sibling, parent, etc.) of the Head

Every team must have a Treasurer. It is important that a team Treasurer is selected shortly after
the Manager is selected so that the team bank account can be opened and used for team financial
transactions as quickly as possible. As such, it is preferred that the Treasurer shall not be a relative
(spouse, sibling, parent, etc.) of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager.
Neither the Team Manager nor the HCSP may participate as an Assistant Coach unless they have
the appropriate coaching qualifications

Representative Team Head Coach
The following are the specific duties of the Representative Team Head Coach.
▪ Report to the TMHA Representative Supervisor.
▪ Be familiar with HC, BCH, NWDMHA and TMHA rules, regulations, policies and
▪ Follow the Coach Code of Conduct
▪ Be familiar with risk management issues as they relate to player injury.
▪ Serve as an official spokesperson on behalf of the team.
▪ Prepare a season plan/schedule and operating budget.
▪ Select and recommend staff to Representative Supervisor for the positions of Team
Manager, HCSP (trainer), Treasurer and possibly up to two additional assistant coaches.
▪ Determine final roster for season to a minimum of 17 players (if possible) to a maximum of
19 (not including APs).
▪ Organize team and parent meeting to establish introductions and explain coaching
philosophy, season expectations and team rules.
▪ Coordinate the delegation of responsibilities to the Assistant Coach(s), Team Manager
and/or Treasurer.
▪ Provide a list of team players, and jersey numbers to Team Manager.
▪ Select Affiliate players for season by November 1st; ensure all affiliation procedures and
rules are followed.
▪ Be available to parents/guardians to discuss any of their concerns or observations for the
▪ Coordinate the implementation of the on-ice curriculum. Design the practice plans in
consultation with the Assistant Coaches.
▪ Coach all games and practices.
▪ Plan, implement, and control pre-game preparation and communication with the team.
▪ Communicate written and signed, rules and responsibilities to players and parent/guardians
as applicable.
▪ Ensure dressing rooms, hotel rooms and buses are left in order following each event.
▪ Plan on-ice and off-ice team activities in consultation with the Assistant Coach(s) and
▪ Continue to develop knowledge and training in fundamental skills, teaching techniques and
the strategies and tactics of hockey.

Team Manager
The team manager is responsible for the completion of team administrative duties. They are
responsible for keeping the parent group informed of the team activities and organizing the plans
as created by the Head Coach. They deal with team staff, players, parent/guardians, TMHA
Representatives and other Team Managers. They are expected to recognize that all volunteers
must be treated with an appropriate level of respect.
The following are specific duties of the Team Manager:

▪ Act on direction of and report directly to the Head Coach for all matters pertaining to the
▪ Will organize and facilitate the team schedules and travel arrangements for tournaments
and travel games (League or exhibition), and fundraising events, and prepare itineraries for
players and parent/guardians.
▪ Report to Representative Supervisor for all matters pertaining to the Association; shall
communicate disputes or unresolved issues to the Representative Supervisor.
▪ Follow the Coach Code of Conduct.
▪ Prepare team roster and submit to Representative Supervisor and Registrar; circulate to
▪ Coordinate the production of a team schedule with the coaching staff.
▪ Facilitate communications between coaching staff and parent/guardians. This may include
setting up and attending meetings between coaches and parents.
▪ Organize team meetings and work with team parent/guardians in coordinating events.
▪ Obtain necessary approval from TMHA and NWD with respect to travel and special events.
▪ Arrange for game security (timekeepers and score keepers). Ensure all are trained in
proper completion of score sheets and operations of scoring equipment.
▪ Ensure Referee Assignor is informed if a game is cancelled or changed.
▪ Secure team dressing room and check for belongings left behind after team has left.
▪ Coordinate team financial matters including player fees.
▪ Ensure receipts and invoices are provided to treasurer in timely manner and ensure the
treasurer submits financial statements as per TMHA policy.
▪ Coordinate travel, accommodation, meals and facility rental for the team.
▪ Coordinate and oversee fundraising activities.
▪ Coordinate all pre and post-game paperwork and distribute to appropriate authorities
▪ Assist with on or off ice development and/or discipline.

HCSP (Hockey Canada Safety Person)

Each team must have one designated person that has completed the HCSP training course.
Specific responsibilities are identified in the course. These include maintaining player medical
information and identifying and maintaining emergency procedures and contacts for the team. The
HCSP must have current certification. The minimum age requirement for the HCSP is 19 years of

TMHA would like to emphasize that the HCSP must complete and submit injury reports for all
injuries, and submit return-to-play approvals, as necessary. In addition to the individual injury
reports, the HCSP must complete a running injury log for the team.

Assistant Coach
The following are specific duties of the Assistant Coach
▪ Reports to the Head Coach.
▪ Follow the Coach Code of Conduct.
▪ Act on behalf of Head Coach in their absence.
▪ Assist with planning, organizing and conducting practices.
▪ Assist with pre-game preparation.
▪ Assist with the operation of the team during the game.
▪ Assist with the supervision of players, both on and off the ice.
▪ Ensure dressing rooms, hotel rooms and buses are left in order following each event.

Team Treasurer
The team Treasurer is responsible for the preparation of and compliance with an operating budget
for the team, the accounting of all team funds, collections and deposits, payment of all bills and
submission of monthly statements to TMHA and team parents.

Financial statements will be provided to the Representative Supervisor on a monthly basis (by the
10th of the month) and all yearend financial records must be submitted to no later than May 1st.
Parent/guardians must be provided with monthly financial statements on a regular basis (by the
10th of the month).

Other Team Positions
In addition to the aforementioned positions, it is recommended that the following positions be filled:
▪ Jersey designate to collect and maintain jerseys after team functions; representative
jerseys are not to be taken home by players to be cared for by the players.
▪ Fundraising Representatives – coordinate and oversee fundraising events; obtain
necessary special event sanctioning from TMHA.
▪ Food committee – plan and arrange meal schedules during team travel.


Prior to attending Rep tryouts, players must be fully registered in TMHA (residential
transfers/waivers must be approved by BC Hockey) and their tryout fee must be paid in full.

TMHA will follow the Representative Tryout Procedure Guideline, which also forms part of the
TMHA Policy.

TMHA will form an Evaluators Coordinating Committee, which will include the TMHA Head Coach,
2nd Vice President and President. This Committee shall appoint independent evaluators to
oversee the Rep Team selection process for each division. The Evaluators role is to ensure a fair
and impartial selection process. These Evaluators will report directly to the 2nd Vice.

The Rep Head Coach may apply to the 2nd Vice for approval of a temporary Assistant to help with
team selection. Player selection will be monitored by the Supervisor and will be conducted by the
team’s Head Coach, Assistant Coach and a minimum of 3 Evaluators. These Evaluators are
appointed and approved by TMHA and will have no affiliation with any of the players trying out for a
specific division.

Evaluations will include tests of skills through drills and scrimmages. Players will be assessed on
the following:
▪ basic skills such as skating, passing, shooting, checking, etc.;
▪ team skills such as offensive and defensive tactics and the ability to play as part of a team;
▪ attitude, willingness to take instruction and direction, work ethic, leadership qualities and
respect shown to coaches, officials, opponents and teammates.

It is the Evaluator’s responsibility to assist the Rep team Head Coach to select no less than 15
skaters and 2 goalies from those attending the tryouts.

TMHA will utilize BC Hockey’s High Performance Selection process in which players will receive a
ranking between 1-5 (1 being the lowest, and 5 being the highest). In the first round of the selection
process, the coaches and Evaluators will decide as to what number, past the required 15 skaters
and 2 goalies, the ranking process goes to. Any player below the final ranking number selected,
after the 3rd ice session, will not be asked to return for further ice time. Any player returning to the
selection process must continually be ranked until they are selected to the team or are released.

It is the Rep Head Coach’s responsibility to make the final selections for the team from the
remaining players. This is to be done in conjunction with the evaluators. It is recommended that the
majority of the Evaluators agree to the selections, however, it is ultimately the Rep team Head
Coach that makes the final decision. If the Rep Head Coach makes a selection without a majority
agreement, they then will be required to provide a rationale, in writing, to the Supervisor. In
decisions regarding the Rep Head Coach and/or Assistant Coach’s child, the respective Coach’s
evaluation will be forfeit. NO discussions regarding player selections or releases are to take place
unless the TMHA Supervisor is present. If any player or parent has any questions or concerns over
a release they are to speak directly with the Rep Head Coach.

Player Releases
TMHA will follow the Representative Tryout Procedure Guideline, which also forms part of the
TMHA Policy. Players may not be released prior to their third ice time (pre-skate and/or tryout).
Upon their release, coaches are expected to speak with players, in person, highlighting strengths
and explaining opportunities for improvement in a manner that is consistent with promoting a
positive experience. This must be done with at least one other person present (ie, on ice assistant
or player’s parent).

Coaches should avoid overcompensating disappointed players with unrealistic consolation or
assuring them of an AP position that will not be followed through with. All releases must be
communicated to the Representative Supervisor within 24 hours. The Representative Supervisor
will inform the House Division Supervisor of all players released.

Mid-season releases
Should, for any reason, a Rep Head Coach decide to release a player after the season has
commenced, the Rep Head Coach must document the reasons in writing to the 2nd Vice, and must
receive approval for the release, prior to advising the player and parent(s) of the player’s
termination from the team.

After discussing their concerns with the Rep Head Coach, any appeal of the player selection
process must be in writing and delivered to the 2nd Vice after a minimum of 24 hours has expired,
and within 7 days of the player’s release.

The TMHA Head Coach will review the selection decision and discuss the reasons with the
affected players and parent(s). If the TMHA Head Coach feels that the player’s appeal has merit,
he will discuss the matter with the Rep Head Coach and 2nd Vice to determine if selection process
was fair. If a “second look” is required, it will then be the decision of the Rep Head Coach, TMHA
Head Coach, and 2nd Vice as to whether the initial decision will be overturned, and the player
placed on the team. After a decision is reached, whether the original decision stands or is
changed, the affected player will be advised of the decision in writing. This decision is final. There
may be no further appeals against this decision.

Injury prior to or during tryouts
Any player who is injured before or during tryouts will be given the opportunity to be assessed for
Rep Team suitability by the Rep Team’s Head Coach, and the TMHA Head Coach once the player
is ready to return to play with their assigned House team. This can take place up to January 15th.
The desire to be assessed after injury must be indicated in writing to the Rep Head Coach before
the end of tryouts.

Players Transferring In
Players moving into the TMHA Association area after tryouts, may request an evaluation after
being placed on a House team. The Rep Head coach and TMHA Head Coach will then evaluate
the player from their respective House team. No player may join Rep Team tryouts after the first
releases are made unless the player is returning from injury or from a Junior tryout. The Rep Head
Coach must make a written request to the 2nd Vice for approval.

Carding Players
Each representative team is provided 20 cards for the season. Only 19 cards can be active at one
time. Once a card has been used, it cannot be replaced. It is in the best interests of each team to
card the minimum number of players required to start the season and add players throughout the
season as circumstances require. Such circumstances may include a season-ending injury to a
player, a player quitting Rep hockey for the season, etc. If a player chooses to quit the team after
they have been carded the Team Manager must request that the TMHA Registrar contact BC
Hockey ASAP to have the player card “returned” stating the reason, this is done so as to not “burn”
a player card and allow to card another player if necessary.

Prior to the start of the season, coaches must have a parent/guardian meeting outlining
team plans, coach philosophy and budget expectations for the year. Once parents and players
have been informed of the financial and time commitments required for the team, they will have the
necessary information for making an informed decision to stay with the team or not.

Parents and players must be made aware that players can be released at any time and if they are
released after January 10th, that they are not permitted to play for another team including
Recreational League teams as per HC and BCH rules. Players that indicate that they quit their
team after January 10th shall be removed from the roster and will not be able to play on any other
team for the remainder of
the season.

As soon as one person is carded to the team, non-carded players and/or staff members are not
permitted on the ice for practices or games.

A player is carded until the next hockey season. Hockey Canada prohibits a player from playing on
any team other than the one with which they have HC certification, and only HC carded players
and Affiliates are eligible to play on a Rep team. Any coach who knowingly plays an ineligible
player is subject to suspension by the NWD, BC Hockey and/or TMHA. In tournament play, any
team with an ineligible player would be disqualified and all points awarded to the opposing team. A
carded player who knowingly plays on a team other than the one with which they are carded may
also be suspended.

Player Selection and Carding Timeline
TMHA has a responsibility to select teams and Affiliate players on a timely basis in accordance
with the rules. Prolonging the selection process is frustrating for players, parents and teams. To
ensure minimal disruption to players and teams and to maintain the integrity of the player
development process, the following timeline for team selection, carding and league play will be
▪ Head coach selected
▪ Rep tryouts begin after Labour Day and will consist of at least one pre-skate, two tryouts
skates and one game/tryout. The process may not exceed three weeks.
▪ Carding process started – Tier 3 releases to Recreational

Affiliate Players (APs)
Affiliation is a means of providing for the absence, injury or illness of a team’s regular player while
providing an opportunity for lower caliber players to play at the "next level”.
Affiliation provides an opportunity for Representative teams to dress the maximum number of
players allowable for a game in accordance with the playing rules.
Affiliation is meant to provide development opportunities for players and address unexpected
absences of regular players from a roster.

In order to be Affiliated, players must be registered with TMHA, and pay the respective tryout fee.
Players that did not try out for a Rep team are required to pay the tryout fee prior to being Affiliated.

Coaches and players of Representative teams agree that the AP process is a vital part of the
development of players and should be supported. It is expected that all Rep teams commit to the
AP process by having the AP’s attend weekly practices to prepare and develop the skills needed to
be inserted into the lineup on short notice.

In the event that the AP’s Recreation coach declines the request that the AP play for the Rep team
and the coach of the Rep team feels that his team would be unnecessarily disadvantaged if the
AP’s regular coach does not let the AP play for them, he can appeal to the 2nd Vice for an
appropriate mediation. The 2nd Vice along with TMHA Head Coach will acknowledge the appeal
from both perspectives and agree on the appropriate decision. Teams’ competition, player
development and player safety based on roster numbers will be equally discussed to determine the
outcome of the appeal. Tournaments for the player’s regular team are always the first priority.

An AP may only play for the Rep team if there is a regular carded player missing from the higher
team’s roster due to an injury, illness or other absence. Representative coaches will not use an
Affiliated players to replace healthy, capable and willing carded players.
If the higher team requests to card the AP to their team, the player must first be released from their
regular team. Carding regulations and roster size limits must be followed.

TMHA understands that not every team or situation will allow for the use of Active Affiliated Players
and recognize that it is solely the Rep Head Coach’s decision on the use of Active Affiliates. To
clarify, an Active Affiliate player(s) is one that both plays and practices with the Rep team. The
level of game play is dependent on discussions with that player, their parent(s), and the Rep Head
Coach prior to the start of season. For example, if the Rep Head Coach has one position open on
the team and can’t decide between 2 players, he may split the position, giving each player half of
League and tournament games. These players are Active Affiliate players as they are regularly
scheduled for games. Active Affiliated players are required to pay full fees and take part in all
fundraising. An affiliate player is not required to pay full fees or assist fully in fundraising, unless
they are classified as an “active Affiliate” .

Affiliation Process
The following process will be followed:
▪ The deadline to name an Affiliate player to a team is January 10.
▪ All regular team or player lists must be forwarded to the registrar for submission to BCH
before any player (carded or AP) is eligible to participate in a league or tournament game.
▪ Coaches of Affiliated players will not withhold permission unreasonably. Any conflicts
between whether a player shall play with their regular team or an Affiliate team, can be
mediated by the Representative Supervisor.
▪ Affiliate players are permitted to play a maximum of 10 games (regular season and
playoffs) with the Rep team during the season per HC Rules.
▪ Before the 11th game there shall be a meeting involving the two coaches, the player and
the player's parents/guardians to discuss the ramifications.
▪ The player must return to their regular team and will not be able to play for the Rep team
until such time as the regular team completes its regular season.
▪ If the Rep team expects to continue using the player, the player can be carded to the Rep
team as a regular player. The player must first be released by the Recreational team and it
must be on or before January 10. The Rep team must have an available card to use.
▪ Playing an 11th game as an AP for the Rep team before the regular season is completed,
will qualify as the Rep team playing an ineligible player resulting in disciplinary action. The
Head Coach of the higher team and the AP shall be subject to discipline for doing so. Any
games in which an ineligible player is used shall be forfeited.

Team Captains
Coaching staff should recognize that the Team Captain and alternates are extensions of the
coaching staff and should represent their team philosophy. Captains should be familiar with
specific playing rules and possess good communication skills. If team players select their own
captain, the coaching staff should inform the players of the qualities that they would prefer.

All representative teams will be provided with one early morning ice time, and one evening ice time
for practices based on team scheduling needs and ice availability. Factors to be considered are,
but not limited to: the age of the players and AP practice requirements.

Coaches must provide 72 hours’ notice for any ice time that cannot be used by their team. Teams
must return any such ice to TMHA for redistribution. Teams shall not reallocate their assigned ice
to any other team without the approval of TMHA.

Additional ice may be available from time to time. Allocations will be done in a fair and equitable
manner through the TMHA ice coordinator. Rep teams will be charged actual ice costs for ice that
has been allocated as the result of the regular schedule and subsequently goes unused.

Teams may purchase additional ice times for practice at the sole expense of the team. Coaches
must inform the 2nd Vice of their intention so the City of Terrace can be notified. Currently, only the
TMHA ice Coordinator is permitted to book ice, unless the COT is notified otherwise.

All Rep teams must observe TMHA policy with respect to sponsorship, fundraising and finance
practices. It is the expectation that all teams and specifically all team staff, that every effort shall be
made to act in a fiscally responsible manner. Unnecessary expenses should be avoided.

Representative Team Accounts
There will be one (1) representative team bank account per team. Rep teams shall have one (1)
bank account held at the bank approved by the TMHA Executive. Rep team accounts will be set up
by the TMHA Administrator with four signatories on each team account including the TMHA
President and the 2nd Vice President. In the event of a conflict, the TMHA treasurer shall sign as an
alternate. The Team Treasurer and Team Manager shall comprise the remaining two signatories.
In the event of a conflict, the team Head Coach shall sign as an alternate. TMHA must be notified
of any changes or additions to a bank account. Team signatories must not be related in any
manner nor shall they reside at the same residence as any of the coaching staff or team treasurer
Team funds are the property of the players’ parent/guardians. Management of team funds shall be
in accordance with TMHA Policy.

Any travel costs, equipment, ice time, tournament, clothing or fundraising items purchased by a
team shall be the responsibility of the team; TMHA accepts no responsibility for non-payment of
these bills. TMHA is obliged to release the names, phone numbers and addresses of its members
to companies or individuals who are owed money relating to TMHA activities.
Any funds remaining in the team account at the end of the season may be disbursed equitably
amongst the players and their families to the extent that monthly assessments were paid to the
team or donated to the team. Funds reimbursed to parents will be by cheque from the team
account. Since team accounts will not necessarily be the same from year-to-year, any account
balance remaining after May 31st will become the property of TMHA. All teams are to leave a
minimum balance of $2500 in their account at the end of the season. Each team will start with a
balance of $2500 in the next season.

Team Funds
Parents must pay dues (assessment fees) to help cover the cost of team expenses. Assessment
fees are to be paid at the discretion of the Head Coach and payable based on the number of
players. Failure to pay assessment fees will result in the player being suspended from travel until
funds are paid. Consistent nonpayment may result in permanent removal from the team. Parents
are also expected to participate in fundraising events to offset the amount of the required monthly

Where a team surplus exists at the end of the season, parents/guardians may only be reimbursed
for dues to the extent that dues were paid. Funds generated by the team by any other means must
not be allocated to parents.

Allowable Team Fundraising/Revenue Sources
Rep teams must apply to the TMHA Executive for approval of all fundraising events and all
applications for lottery licenses must be coordinated through TMHA. Teams are responsible for the
purchase, sale and payment of any merchandise. TMHA accepts no responsibility for non-payment
on fund-raising merchandise. All licensed gaming MUST follow the current rules of the Gaming
Policy and Enforcement Branch.

Special Event Sanctioning must be obtained for any event, other than hockey, done as a team.
Liquor, prohibited or restricted firearms and live animals cannot be offered as prizes. Teams are
permitted to conduct 50/50 draws at all home League games, playoff games, home tournaments
and pub nights, providing they have applied for and received the necessary gaming licenses.
Failure to obtain the required sanctioning and gaming licenses will result in a team fine minimum
$500.00 per infraction.
Teams conducting fundraising events without the necessary special event sanctioning will be
referred to the TMHA Executive.

Primary sponsors may provide additional sponsorship to their designated team if they choose.
Secondary supporters may be considered; however, names of such supporters must not be
advertised in any way so as not to conflict with existing sponsors. Any additional sponsorship,
whatever the nature, must be pre-approved by TMHA.

Unapproved fundraising or solicitation may result in disciplinary action and can include the loss of
solicited cash or items.

Teams may not contact TMHA sponsors for additional funds. A ‘No Contact’ sponsor list is
available upon request.

Allowable Team Expenses
The following items are considered allowable expenses for each Representative team. The
indicated formulas shall be used by coaches in developing their season budgets. The Executive
shall review any predetermined amounts on an annual basis.
▪ Tournament Entry Fees
▪ Team Accommodations
▪ Team Meals
▪ Fuel
▪ Team clothing
▪ Team events and activities – extracurricular activities while on travel, dryland activities,
team building events etc.
▪ Team fundraising initiatives – prize purchases and administration costs.

Team Budget
The team budget will be drafted during the pre-season based on the travel that the head coach
plans to do during the regular season. The drafted budget shall be distributed to the parent group
at the first practice from when it was submitted. Parents are to be provided seven (7) days
minimum, to review the budget, discuss it with their peers prior to approving it. All approval
discussion and voting must occur in-person. The principle of 75% in favor of the motion will apply
when parents vote. Parents will be provided one vote per player.

TMHA recommends that the team budget will, at minimum, include the following:
▪ Expenses
▪ Estimated tournament travel costs – Each tournament in the coach’s season plan shall
o Tournament entry fees – varies from tournament to tournament (TMHA pays for
three tournament entry fees per team, to a maximum of $4500 annually).
o Travel costs – this will identify bus travel or parent travel
o Meal costs – food for players and team staff only.
▪ Estimated travel expenses for League games
▪ Estimated team expenses for clothing (including team socks), dryland expenses, team
events, etc.
▪ Estimated fundraising initiative expenses.
▪ Season Raffle
o prizes
o Ticket printing


Team revenue can be generated from the following:
▪ Assessment fees
▪ 50/50 draws during home league games
▪ Fundraisers

Remuneration and expense reimbursement for team travel
Head coaches are expected to travel with their team on every trip.
All expenses are paid by the team as follows and there shall be no further reimbursement for
incurred expenses.
▪ A maximum of 3 coaches, team manager, HCSP, food room attendant, bus driver and
chaperones (if required) shall be paid for per trip:
o their hotel with the team,
o meals with the team and
o transportation via bus or parent drive

Reimbursement at the rate of a standard, 2 queen room at the hotel where the group block was
made. The team is not responsible for room upgrades or additional nights. If there is more than
one non-parent staff member travelling, the expectation is they will share a room with the non parent head coach.

▪ All remuneration and expense reimbursement must be presented in the team budget.
▪ All reimbursements must be supported by receipts.
▪ To be reimbursed, team staff must have actively participated in the trip. Responsibilities
supervision, maintaining the schedules and knowing the whereabouts and "goings-on" of all
players at all times.

TMHA Rep teams are not permitted to have more than one sponsor in a season. Official Rep team
sponsors are:
U13 - Pizza Hut
U15 - MacCarthy Motors
U18 - Totem Ford
TMHA Rep parents may contribute sponsorship funds from their own personal business or
employer but must do so understanding that the team cannot adopt the name of their company or
employer as their official sponsor.

TMHA Rep Teams are permitted to engage in fundraising activities in the community to a
maximum of 75% of their annual budget. All Fundraisers will be brought to the TMHA Executive for
prior approval. Application for sanctioning of fundraisers is done through the TMHA Risk Manager
and any Gaming Licenses must be applied for through the TMHA Treasurer Liaison. Teams are
required to ensure that all follow up paperwork for said licenses is completed in a timely manner
prior to the close of the season. TMHA Rep teams are permitted to host 50/50 fundraisers at all
home games in a season (under blanket TMHA gaming license). Any excess fundraised dollars
will be returned to the TMHA General Account and used for player development initiatives at all

Representative Hockey Team Apparel & Dress Code

Teams will be provided with one (1) set of home (white) and one set of away (black) jerseys. Team
manager or designate is responsible for the team jerseys. Jerseys are not to go home with the
players. Teams must purchase two (2) pairs of hockey socks – one set of home white and one set
of away black for each.

Dress Code for Players
All players must be in dress clothes for both home and away games, dress clothes are the
following, dress pants, shirt, tie and dress shoes. An exception will be made for away games that
travel will occur right after that game is completed, in this case casual clothes will be permitted.

Dress Code for Coaching Staff
All Coaches and Staff must be in dress attire for all games home and away. This will consist of
dress pants, shirt, dress shoes. The only exceptions is for the team HCSP person they may be in
runners and team tracksuit for games.

Approved Team Apparel
All Rep team apparel must conform to TMHA colours of black, with red and white accent colours.
Kermodes logo only. Helmets must be black in color CSA approved.

▪ Coaches are expected to share coach rooms.
▪ Players are expected to stay in player rooms, except in circumstances of medical
➢ U13 – three players, one chaperone to a room
➢ U15-U18 – four players to a room, coach to name “room captain”
▪ If team staff (parent or non-parent) use alternate options to the accommodation,
transportation or meals with the team, it will be at their own expense.

TMHA strongly recommends that whenever possible team travel on the TMHA bus. When
travelling in the winter it is in the best interest of our coaches and players travel together in an
effort to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. The opportunity to travel as a team on a bus is
quite a fun and team building experience for our players.

All requests to use the bus will go through the TMHA Bus Coordinator and will be assigned with the
following criteria in mind (it is not first come, first serve); priority will be given to the team travelling
the furthest distance. In the case where the distance is the equal, priority will be given to the senior

All teams must pay a $1000 per use fee for all trips past Prince George. There is no fee for trips
between Terrace and Prince George. This fee is to help offset the cost of regular bus maintenance.

Buses are to be returned cleaned and refueled. Failure to do so will result in a cleaning and/or
refueling fee.

U18 aged players that are of driving age and are licensed to drive are not permitted to drive
themselves to out of town games. Even if that game is in close proximity to their home.

TMHA is committed to providing a safe environment for all hockey players and team staff.
Representative division players frequently travel without direct parental supervision. TMHA has
established Codes of Conduct outlining the minimum standards of behavior that all players and
coaches must adhere to. Each player and team staff must submit a signed copy of their Code of
Conduct to TMHA at the beginning of each season.

TMHA expects coaches and team officials to maintain strict discipline among players and
parent/guardians. The coach, players and parent/guardians represent not only TMHA, but also
sponsors and the City of Terrace. It is the responsibility of the coach to be aware of the rules and
regulations at all levels. Parents shall commit to the BC Hockey Fair Play contract for parents.
Specific team rules should be established at the first meeting of the year with input from all parties
including players, parent/guardians, coaching staff and management. Rules should be in writing
and distributed to each player and their parent/guardians so that all are aware of team
expectations. These rules are over and above TMHA, NWDMHA, BCH and HC rules and must not
in any way contradict them. They should include matters such as missed practices, meeting times
prior to games, communicating with coaches, parent expectations, etc.
Coaches will make reasonable efforts to ascertain whether a player has a valid reason for failing to
show up to practices or games on a consistent basis. If in the opinion of the coach, the player has
not demonstrated a commitment to the team, the player may be released.

With respect to game play, coaches are responsible for player discipline and upholding the
decisions of the officials. Coaches and managers must ensure that all automatic penalties are
served and that no player or team official returns or plays prior to the completion of the suspension.
Coaches and team officials have the authority to suspend a player or players. All disciplinary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   actions must be accompanied by an incident report completed and presented to the
Representative Supervisor within five (5) days of the incident occurring. Incident reports will be
reviewed by the Representative Supervisor and if in the opinion of the Representative Supervisor,
coaches, or team officials, suspensions beyond one game are necessary, the circumstances will
be communicated to the conduct committee. Coaches are also responsible for player discipline
with respect to dressing rooms, hotel rooms and bus travel. Teams found to be in violation of these
expectations may be suspended from league play.

Specific disciplinary actions with respect to League games and/or tournaments shall be
administered by the NWDMHA, BCH, HC and the Conduct Committee. Suspensions received on
the road beyond one game must be communicated to the Representative Supervisor.

Players are expected to act responsibly and be ambassadors of their sport. If at any time a player
participates in an event or activity while representing TMHA or their sponsors wearing team
jerseys, tracksuits, or jackets, they are expected to behave in a manner consistent with
demonstrating good sportsmanship, respect for their peers and respect for community members.
Failure to do so will result in reprimand and possible suspension from play, as determined by the
TMHA Conduct Committee.

Suspensions (discipline)
Minimum suspension guidelines will follow the most recent BC Hockey Bulletin for Minimum
suspensions - Minor/Female. Suspensions (in addition to the minimum suspension guidelines) can
be given, or as the Association deems necessary for player and coach conduct on the ice and in
the stands